Thursday, August 17, 2006

Aiming for Ketua Pemuda or Cabinet seat next?

Hero Melayu, reporting from across the border after a good massage and heavy dinner with ex-gf. Still can't figure out the difference between "no monopoly" and "it was open tender but only one company submitted proposal".

Selangor MB Dato’ Sri Khir Toyo needs to step up against bombardment of attacks since the Bukit Cahaya deal, flooding in Shah Alam after announcement of Selangor Maju, the controversial RM40million Exco residences and now billboard issues. Selangor grass root making noise about representation of Selangor YB’s in the cabinet, which is nil. Well, here’s your chance unless you think MB seat is pretty damn warm and relaxing to leave.

The Sun reported today that Selangor MB indicated “heads will roll after admitting there were material differences between what the EXCO approved and what his officers committed the government to on the issue of billboards. Promising an investigation into who and what caused the mess, the state government has been caught in, he said “I was not aware of this (the discrepancy) until I received the agreement”.

Although Mohd Khir said there is no monopoly, no open tenders were invited and neither was there any competitive bidding – only one company’s proposal was accepted. The letter to Bernam Kiara was signed by a senior officer Azizan Mohd Sidin and a copy was extended to exco member Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Ahmad Dahlan. If there was something wrong, surely Mokhtar would have kicked up a ruckus.

“Everybody can have their own signboard but they need to contribute to the state or to the local authorities. That is our position, we don’t keep changing our word”, he said. “We encourage any company that wants to build bridges. Kalau the Sun nak buat, we are willing. We are very happy because the cost is very high. We have to build about 60-100 overhead bridges and we will stick to our decision. Build a new bridge and you can put up your billboards”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

J'ai un blog wordpress et je voudrais supprimer tout (il est hébergé sur mon propre nom de domaine et hébergement) parce que je voudrais supprimer mon site. Comment puis-je sauvegarder mes messages de blog dans un dossier ou quelque chose dans mes documents (hors ligne) parce que je ne veux pas tout supprimer complètement. Puis-je le faire en une seule fois, si je peux encore le faire? Je vous remercie!.