Thursday, August 10, 2006


Good that everyone is focused on our current political scenario. However, we must not forget the other imminent danger - the status of Islam in the eye of the Constitution. So what if LJ wins her case??!

1. According to the Constitution, Muslims are allowed to convert after the age of 18. This is contradictory to Article 160 which states that Malays in Malaysia are defined as Muslims, someone who live in Malay customs and speak the language.

2. Syariah court may no longer be relevant if Lina Joy wins. So, our future offenders of the religion can just challenge the Syariah court and take it to the Court of Appeals, then Federal.

3. Our king and sultans are no longer the symbol of the Protector and Guardian of Islam in the country.

4. Muslim parents would not be able to guide/force/encourage/convince their kids not to convert should they choose to, after the age of 18.

5. Rukun Islam in principal is no longer valid in Malaysia. If we are really serious in the campaign for Islam Hadhari, we need to give stronger support to Syariah court and whack the shit out of JAKIM and the other Jabatan Agama Islam's and the ustads and officers to work. Start a nationwide roadshow and identify the potential Murtads. Help them out. It ain't moving an inch!

Why this case?

1. This case is supported not just locally, but internationally, especially by enemies of Islam. If this case goes through, let's just say there's going to be a long line at JPN to take out the word "Islam" from people's ICs.

2. It is a clear indication that Islam is under threat. Golongan Kufur can just question the standing of Islam in this country.

3. Another case that challenges the authority of the Syariah court, just like Aishah Bukhari, Hartini Kamarudin, Moorty.

4. After Muhammad Abdullah @ Moorthy, S. Sharmala's case, Article 11 Group has been pushing hard for Lina Joy. We need to be on guard for the next onslaught and ready to defend our turf.

5. The sad thing about Article 11 group or Inter-Faith Commission (IFC) is that most of them are Malays, including the Sister-in-Islam (SIS). WTF?

6. If Syariah court is challenged directly and Article 121(A) is amended to suit the decline of power in the Syariah Court, it is a direct challenge of the rules imposed by our Creator. Masyallah!

7. There are approximately 100,000 murtads in this country according to the Mufti of Perak, waiting for Lina Joy's case to go through.

8. International support for IFC is widespread. Funding is pouring in like it's Tsunami all over again.

9. So who's this Malik Imtiyaz Sarwar, from Bar Council. A Muslim who presented his case supporting Lina Joy in Putrajaya without the consent of BC. Malik agrees that Muslims should have the freedom to choose their religion of choice. Somebody shoot this guy!

This is what Lina Joy's defence council said:

" is time that we must knock into the heads of Malays that our country Malaysia has never been an Islamic country. Strong message must be thrown at the Muslims to tell them that in Malaysia, Islam is just a subservient to the Constitution..."

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