UMNO, MCA, PAS, Keadilan, DAP, Gerakan, MIC in the same room? Sounds far fetched, but that was what happened at Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka tonight. Perhimpunan Gabungan Pemuda Malaysia was organized by DBP to show unity of voice in condemning the Israeli invasion in Southern Lebanon. It's the first time in my lifetime to witness all Ketua or Naib Ketua Pemuda of these parties sitting together with their supporters behind them voicing out the same issue. The Pemuda Malaysia condemns the invasion with their utmost distaste and disgust. All of Ketua Pemuda took the podium and delivered sound speeches on the brutality of the Israeli Defence Force (mind you that only Singapore and Israel carry the word Defence for their Armed Forces).
Of course Naib Ketua Pemuda Keadilan Shamsul Iskandar a.k.a. Baldy (maybe baldi sounds better) had to play spoiler like always. He started his speech with "Salam Sejahtera Tuan2 Puan, Salam Reformasi". He had to include political content in his speech. He said that if it were Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim in power, this whole movement of youth leaders to condemn the attacks would have taken place the minute Israel began their invasion, not a month after! That's when the whole hall started booing and shouting. Keadilan supporters stood up and started protesting, seeing their leader dead on his tracks and being target practice for Pemuda UMNO supporters. Of course there were only a handful of them, so their rationale kicked in and they sat down quietly.
MCA Youth Leader then took the podium and lambasted the fool to dust.
The grand finale was Dato' Seri Hisham's speech, which as always excited the crowd with his fiery words. He took a second jab at Baldy by telling everyone this is not the forum for political purposes.
Baldy, sorry man, it wasn't your night after all.
1 comment:
How effective can UN be? How effective can a brigade of Malaysian troops in Southern Lebanon be? How effective can the New Economic Policy be? These are all valid but tough questions to answer. My stand is, it's worth trying than idling.
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