Thursday, July 27, 2006

Melentur Buluh Biar Dari Rebungnya..

I marvel at how imbecilic individuals can manage a smile that wide. To the Lim’s and the rest of the rocket symbol (please do something about that pathetic rocket) party, Malaysia is where it is today because of the stability and harmony managed by UMNO through its collaboration with various parties in BN. I guess it is not fair for Lim Jr. to fully shoulder these critics, as with most individuals, we are a product of our parents efforts, as the Malay proverb says; ‘melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya’. I wonder how much effort Lim Sr. deposited here?

I refer to the press statement by Lim Guan Eng, 25th July 2006 on the DAP website; ‘Hishammuddin is Wrong to Say that Article 121(1A) Makes Malaysia An Islamic State’. I am not an advocate of the notion ‘holier than thou’; nevertheless I am realistic and just. To me, Islam is the national religion as the Malay language is the national language. Therefore we Malaysians must except it and have to be considerate. There has been a great deal of consideration practiced within the nation, however there are the minority few that persist to be a pain.

Why do we have various school streams (SRJK (C), (T)…etc)? It is obvious that the government has taken into consideration the feedback from all races before implementing such a system. Today we have a multi lingual society, unlike Indonesia and Thailand, where everyone speaks one language, the national language, where there is only one type of national school, no ‘jenis ‘cina or ‘jenis tamil’. Go meet an Indonesian Chinese, they speak the same lingo the maids and construction workers in Malaysia. However, most non-Malay Malaysians speak broken bahasa.

Back to the topic mentioned by Lim Jr., it’s a matter of interpretation. Many things said and done by the government may be subjective to few, however excepted by many. We live in a democratic country, hence majority of votes decide the ruling party. Ask yourself this question, is it in the interest for all, if a political party’s 30 leadership positions are represented by 2 from the majority race? That is DAP for you..!!

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