Monday, July 31, 2006


Cara merompak keenam:

Bagaimana RHB dibenarkan membeli Sime Bank? Ini semua kehendak Anwar Ibrahim kerana tamak. MRCB ada 27% dalam RHB. Apabile RHB tidak boleh buat placement untuk pembeliannya, Anwar telah arahkan Tong, Phileo Allied untuk mengambil placement ini dengan 'aku janji' oleh Anwar bahawa placement ini akan dibeli oleh agensi kerajaan seperti EPF dan lain-lain sedikit masa lagi. Mana Phileo Allied ada duit, tetapi Bank Negara telah menjamin dan Bank Negara juga jamin jika RHB tidak dapat kutip hutang lapok Sime Bank, Bank Negara akan bayar. Ini kerja Mat Dom dan Murad yang korup. Dulu Murad telah tipu Bank Negara untuk mengambil alih CCB sekarang Phileo Allied. Cuba suruh BPR geledah Bank Negara bagaimana transaksi CCB. Murad boleh masuk penjara tetapi BPR pun takut dan dengar cakap Anwar Ibrahim. Phileo Allied ini pon kepunyaan Murad dan Anwar. Sheeda, istera Azmin yang menjaga hak Anwar disini. Dengan gelagat ini, bagaimana ekonomi negara hendak pulih?

Cara merompak ketujuh:

Anwar memastikan kesemua projek-projek pembinaan yang cara negosiasi diberi kepada Johawaki. Siapa punya Johawaki? Depan YB Mahud, Johawaki mempunyai projek lebih dari RM2 billion dan Anwar Ibrahim ada saham melalui bekas setiausaha politiknya YB Solomon yang pergi mengutip wang dari Johawaki. Anwar juga pastikan pengswastaan dari EPU diberi kepada syarikat-syarikat yang dia puya kepentingan sehingga teksi KLIA yang Latif Mirasa dapat pun dia ada saham. Ini Latif Mirasa sendiri yang memberitahu umum bahawa dia sendiri kumpul wang dari rasuah dan peras ugut untuk politik Anwar dan dia sudah ada RM250 juta. Latif dengan bangga memberitahu orang-orang UMNO macam mana kabinet telah luluskan teksi Mercedeznya tanpa cukai. Ini kerja Anwar...Mahathir boleh buat apa?

Anwar Ibrahim hanya bertopengkan Islam. Apa yang dia lakukan masakini tidak langsung memikirkan umat Muhamad dan makhluk Allah. Dia hanya hendak mencapai matlamatnya untuk menjadi kepada negara dan memuaskan nafsunya. Tunggu dan lihat bagaimana Tan Sri Rashid Hussein RHB akan dia musnahkan apabila MRCB dan Phileo Allied menjadi pemegang saham utama RHB.

Bila ekonomi negara tidak pulih mengikut rancangannya, Mahathir pula akan dikorbankan. Sekarang ini, Anwar Ibrahim seperti musang yang sedang menjaga kandang ayam. Bila musang makan ayam, bulu dan tulang pun kita tidak dapat cari dalam reban.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


So apparently a friend of mine, a Malaysian Immigration Officer in London, mentioned that he met DSAI a few months ago. He said that DSAI looked really fit and healthy. Doesn't look like someone who just recovered from surgery (so what was he doing in Germany again after his release??)



Bangunan baru Telekom yang berharga RM600 juta, kontrak diveri kepada PROJAS. Siapa punya PROJAS? Kamaruddin Jaafar. Inilah salah satu sebab lagi kenapa Tan Sri Rasdan diberhentikan kerana Anwar tahu kalau pengacau rancangannya ada maka barangkali PROJAS yang langsung tidak terkenal dalam pembangunan bangunan tinggi pasti tidak dapat kontrak yang lumayan ini. Yang sedihnya, PROJAS dan Kamaruddin Jaafar hanya makan komisyen sahaja. Kerja kontrak sebenar bukan mereka buat. Kamaruddin Jaajar dapat 30% keuntungan. Untuk Anwar Ibrahim, lebih kurang RM180 juta upfront.


Tanah KTM di Brickfields depan Museum Negara yang dikenali sekarang sebagai KL Sentral telah diswastakan kepada MRCB. Harga pembelian tanah swasta KTM ini oleh MRCB hanya RM20 satu kaki persegi. Lepas itu MRCB membuat banyak blok di atas tanah dan telah mula menjual blok-blok kepada syarikat dari Singapura, Jepun, Eropah dengan harga RM1,000 satu kaki persegi. Berapa billion MRCB untung?? KTM bodoh ke?? Apa boleh buat, kata budak2 KTM, Anwar TPM dan Menteri Kewangan. Siapa berani soal? Anwar yang punya MRCB.


TNB telah memberi kontrak power transmission kepada MRCB berjumlah RM500 juta atas arahan Anwar Ibrahim. Pada hal, Ruslan Ali Omar yang mencadangkan projek ini kepada Anwar. Anwar telah ambil kertas kerjanya dan beri kepada MRCB. Roslan sokong Syed Hamid, bukan orang Anwar.


Apabila Sikap Power tidak boleh berjalan selepas diberi hak pengswastaan power plant kepada Zainal Osman, Astaman anak Tan Sri Aishah Ghani, Kassim Mahmud, bekas Ketua Bahagian Larut, orang kuat Anwar. Anwar telah arahkan MRCB untuk mengambil alih dengan memberi keuntungan kepada Zainal, Astaman dan Kassim, RM50 juta seorang. Hanya dengan jual lesen dengan ‘aku janji’, maka akhirnya Anwar kemudian arahkan MRCB jual Sikap Power yang mempunyai modal berbayar RM1 juta kepada Malakof dengan keuntungan RM400 juta. Lepas itu membernarkan Malakof mejual 15% kepada syarikat British dengan keuntungan RM250 juta pula dua minggu selepas itu. Dalam kegawatan ekonomi ini pun, kurang dari 2 bulan Anwar untung RM650 juta. SC luluskan transaksi ini seperti kilat kerana Munir burung terkokok Anwar Ibrahim. Kalau syarikat public listed lain pasti banyak soalnya. Apa boleh buat, budak2 SC kata ini TPM dan Menteri Kewangan punya kehendak dan MRCB Anwar punya.


yes yes we know, we can't predict the future. Your enemies today could be your friends tomorrow, vice versa. Regardless, we're going to start monitoring and 'pantau' the wannabe's and the upcoming and promising politician/corporate figure. We call it the Pretenders and Contenders!!

Pretender # 1: Anwar Ibrahim

So how would Anwar fit into the grand scheme of things? Ever wonder why he was released? Beats the hell out of me. Before we even talk about what he is capable of, we must remember history.

History teaches man that man never learns from history.


Tahukah anda bagaimana Anwar merompak? Bagaimana 4 wartawan boleh mengambil alih MRCB yang akhirnya punya pegangan dalam NST, TV3, Emartel, Sikap Power, KL Sentral, RHB dan banyak lagi? Mula-mula, 4 orang mempunyai 25% saham seorang seperti janji Anwar Ibrahim kepada mereka kerana dakyah mereka menaikkan imej Anwar melalui media. Tetapi sekarang 3 orang hanya ada 20% dan Nazri Abdullah seorang editor Berita Harian 80%. Cuba fikirkan bagaimana editor ini punya wang untuk memegang saham sehingga 80%. Pasti dia ini orang depan. Tahukan anda orang depan siapa? Anwar Ibrahim lah!

4 orang memang tiada wang. Pada suatu ketika dulu, MRCB hendak bankrupt. Tetapi apabila Anwar tuan punyanya Kementerian Kewangan berbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk memastikan MRCB kukuh. Disinilah dia mula merompak dengan memberi kontrak pengswastaan dan menjual projek yang MRCB ada keuntungan.


Menyuruh Telekom membeli Emartel. Tan Sri Rasdan ketika itu Pengerusi Telekom tidak setuju kerana Emartel belum beroperasi pasti rugi. Tetapi tidak boleh buat apa-apa kerana dia bukan TPM dan Menteri Kewangan. Anwar telah paksa Telekom membeli MRCB, untuk 600 juta ringgit. Syarikat yang belum beroperasi dengan sepenuh pun boleh dapat untuk kerana lessen yang Anwar telah dapatkan dahulu. Anwar Ibrahim tidak maafkan Tan Sri Rasdan sehingga dari Pengerusi Eksekutif diturunkan pangkat kepada Pengerusi dan apabila tamat tempoh, Tan Sri Rasdan diberhentikan dari Telekom oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Round 2: Pemuda UMNO vs Rice

Ok, maybe it’s too absurd to have the US Secretary of State meet our Pemuda Leadership. KJ really used strong words against Rice, telling her that her visit is not welcomed by the Malaysian community and that the terrorism by Israel and support of US are equivalent that of Osama Laden. As much as you don’t like this guy or as much as you want to believe the gossips you hear about him, he’s quite charismatic in moving the crowd today. Times like this, especially when people say Pemuda “sudah hilang taring”, it’s refreshing to see an injection of energy. All Rice could say was that the US is also concerned about the situation in the Middle East and that they are pursuing the best course of action. 10 points for bullshit!

Kuala Lumpur -- Hujan lebat yang turun jelas tidak menghalang kira-kira 10,000 terus menunjuk perasaan anti Israel dan dasar Amerika Syarikat di hadapan Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) selepas solat Jumaat petang tadi.

Dengan laungan “Jahanam Israel” “Hancur Amerika” “Jahanam George Bush” “Selamatkan Palestin dan Lubnan” penunjuk perasaan yang berkumpul di perkarangan Masjid As-Syakirin berarak dan berkumpul di hadapan KLCC.

Perarakan dan tunjuk perasaan itu yang diketuai Naib Ketua Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin dan beberapa pemimpin Pemuda UMNO dan BN yang lain terus bersemangat biarpun dalam keadaan hujan yang mula turun.

Pelbagai sepanduk dan kain rentang dipaparkan antaranya, “Stop Israel”, “Selamatkan Palestin” “Save Lubnan” “Laknat Amerika”, “Rejim Israel Zalim” “Hentikan Israel” dan pelbagai sepanduk lain memenuhi ruang perhimpunan.

Kemuncak perarakan tersebut, gambar-gambar Presiden Amerika Syarikat George Bush, Perdana Menteri British, Tony Blair, dan Rice dibakar oleh penunjuk perasaan.

Beberapa Pemimpin Pemuda UMNO dan BN yang berucap di hadapan ribuan penunjuk perasaan sepakat mengutuk kekejaman Israel dan tindakan berdiam diri AS dalam konflik di Lubnan dan Palestin.

Perkarangan venue KLCC bergema dengan laungan “Allahuakbar” yang penuh bersemangat dan “Jahanam Israel dan Jahanam Amerika” oleh ribuan penunjuk

perasaan yang dikawal ketat oleh pasukan keselamatan.

Turut kelihatan unit simpanan persekutuan serta disokong oleh unit udara, penembak tepat dan unit anjing pengesan, berada dalam kawalan.

Perhimpunan tersebut berakhir kira-kira jam 4.30 petang setelah Khairy Jamaluddin berjaya menyerahkan nota bantahan kepada Setiausaha Amerika Syarikat, Condoleezza Rice.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Melentur Buluh Biar Dari Rebungnya..

I marvel at how imbecilic individuals can manage a smile that wide. To the Lim’s and the rest of the rocket symbol (please do something about that pathetic rocket) party, Malaysia is where it is today because of the stability and harmony managed by UMNO through its collaboration with various parties in BN. I guess it is not fair for Lim Jr. to fully shoulder these critics, as with most individuals, we are a product of our parents efforts, as the Malay proverb says; ‘melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya’. I wonder how much effort Lim Sr. deposited here?

I refer to the press statement by Lim Guan Eng, 25th July 2006 on the DAP website; ‘Hishammuddin is Wrong to Say that Article 121(1A) Makes Malaysia An Islamic State’. I am not an advocate of the notion ‘holier than thou’; nevertheless I am realistic and just. To me, Islam is the national religion as the Malay language is the national language. Therefore we Malaysians must except it and have to be considerate. There has been a great deal of consideration practiced within the nation, however there are the minority few that persist to be a pain.

Why do we have various school streams (SRJK (C), (T)…etc)? It is obvious that the government has taken into consideration the feedback from all races before implementing such a system. Today we have a multi lingual society, unlike Indonesia and Thailand, where everyone speaks one language, the national language, where there is only one type of national school, no ‘jenis ‘cina or ‘jenis tamil’. Go meet an Indonesian Chinese, they speak the same lingo the maids and construction workers in Malaysia. However, most non-Malay Malaysians speak broken bahasa.

Back to the topic mentioned by Lim Jr., it’s a matter of interpretation. Many things said and done by the government may be subjective to few, however excepted by many. We live in a democratic country, hence majority of votes decide the ruling party. Ask yourself this question, is it in the interest for all, if a political party’s 30 leadership positions are represented by 2 from the majority race? That is DAP for you..!!


1. Selepas berkahwin dengan seorang India Kristian, beliau memohon untuk pendaftaran perkahwinan, tetapi tidak dibenarkan sebab di dalam Kad Pengenalan masih tertulis beragama Islam walaupun beliau berjaya menukar nama dalam kepada Lina Joy.

2. Berusaha untuk menghilangkan perkataan agama Islam tersebut dengan permohonan kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) pada tahun 2000.

3. Permohonan ditolak oleh JPN disebabkan tiada perakuan dari Mahkamah Syariah yang menyatakan beliau keluar dari Islam.

4. Mahkamah Syariah menggunakan pakai undang2 Islam yang tidak membenarkan seseorang Muslim keluar dari Islam (Murtad), dan "Sijil Tukar Agama" seperti yang dikehendaki oleh JPN tidak dikeluarkan.

5. Permohonan bermula di Mahkamah Tinggi tahun 2000, seterusnya ke Mahkamah Rayuan pada September 2005, dan keduanya mengiktiraf bahawa kes ini adalah dalam kuasa Mahkamah Syariah untuk membenarkan beliau keluar dari Islam dan membolehkan JPN menukar perkataan Islam di dalam KP.

6. Setelah semuanya tidak berjaya, peguambela, Dato' Dr Cyrus Das, juga bekas Presiden Majlis Peguam, berjaya mendapat kebenaran untuk kes dibawa kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan.

7. Kes didengar oleh 3 Hakim (2 Muslim & 1 Non-Muslim: Ketua Hakim Tun Fairuz, Dato' Alauddin & Dato' Richard) pada dasarnya berpendirian yang sama menyokong tindakan kedua mahkamah terdahulu HINGGALAH Majlis Peguam yang diketuai oleh Peguam Malik Imtiaz Sarwar dan beberapa yang lain, yang hanya menjadi barisan peguam pemerhati beserta banyak lagi NGO yang menyokong Lina Joy meminta untuk memberi hujah & bersuara, dan DIBENARKAN oleh mahkamah yang terlibat.

8. Itu adalah permulaan isu ini dibesarkan yang mana tidak pernah dalam sejarah perundangan negara peguam pemerhati dibenarkan berhujah di mahkamah.

9. Hujah yg dibawa oleh barisan peguam pemerhati yang diketuai oleh Majlis Peguam tersebut melarikan isu sebenar kes berkenaan daripada penghujahan hak & kuasa Mahkamah Syariah TETAPI membawa hujah bahawa Lina Joy berhak untuk mempraktikkan kepercayaannya, agama barunya & dilindungi oleh perlembagaan sebagai hak individu seperti yang terkandung dalam Artikel 11 Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

10. Isu Mahkamah Syariah seperti yang diputuskan oleh mahkamah terdahulu sudah tidak releven lagi pada hujah Majlis Peguam, dan isu yang kebebasan mutlak individu yang diperjuangkan oleh Kumpulan Artikel 11 & IFC dijadikan isu utama kes ini di Mahkamah Persekutuan.

11. Isu yang diperjuangkan oleh kesebelas NGO non-Muslim atas nama kumpulan Artikel 11 & Inter-Faith Commission (IFC) adalah untuk mendefinisikan perkataan "person" (individu) yang terkandung di dalam artikel 11 tersebut untuk merujuk kepada individu per se (secara peribadi), bukan lagi kumpulan atau agama secara umumnya.

12. Ini adalah kali pertama dalam sejarah Malaysia attempt yang sebegitu berani & bersikap kurang ajar yang dilakukan untuk menghuraikan definisi tersebut untuk menguraikan ikatan Islam mengikut kefahaman peribadi seseorang penganut itu sendiri, dan menafikan hak Islam sebagai agam untuk mewajibkan umatnya mempraktikkan amalam & syariat Islam seperti yang terkandung dalam undang2 Islam.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Our un'joy'ness about Lina Joy


Golongan Kuffar sudah berani mengajak anak2 kita meninggalkan aqidah Islam yang mereka pegang. Fakta yang terkandung dalam tulisan ini diringkaskan berdasarkan pelbagai kajian kes Murtad di Malaysia serta kupasan kes Saudari Azlina Jailana (Lina Joy) lawan MAIS, Kerajaan Malaysia & JPN, yg dibincangkan di hadapan peguam2 Islam Malaysia & organisasi bukan kerajaan (NGO) yg hadir pada taklimat isu murtad pada 12 Julai 2006 di Bilik Mesyuarat Mahkamah Syariah Kuala Lumpur, serta berdasarkan beberapa siri taklimat kepada masyarakat & NGO Islam tentang Isu Murtad di Malaysia.


Bangsa Melayu khususnya di Malaysia adalah satu2nya bangsa di dunia yang menggunakan pakai definisi yg jelas di dalam perlembagaan Negara untuk mentakrifkan definisi perkataaan Melayu serta skop yg merangkuminya.

Istilah Melayu ditakrifkan dengan jelas dalam Artikel 160 Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai seorang yang penganut agama Islam, berketurunan Melayu dan mengamalkan dan bercakap Bahasa Melayu mengikut definisi perlembagaan sama sekali tidak boleh dipisahkan.

Oleh itu, Melayu dan bangsa lain yang menganut agama Islam di Malaysia adalah tertakluk sepenuhnya di bawah syariat Islam & perundangan Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia.


Nama asal: Azlina Jailani, pernah memohon pada tahun 1997 untuk ditukar kepada Azlina Lelani tetapi ditolak sebab beralasan telah tukar agama Kristian.

Permohonan kedua untuk tukar kepada Lina Joy pada 1999 tanpa menyatakan sebab pertukaran kepada agama Kristian telah diluluskan, dengan Kad Pengenalan tertera perkataan Agama Islam.

Ayah bernama Jailani bin Shariff dan ibu bernama Kalthum binti Omar, keduanya beragama Islam dan mengamalkan hidup sebagai Muslim.

Berwajah ‘typical’ Melayu, berbangsa Melayu keturunan Jawa, berumur 42 tahun.

Mengisytiharkan tidak pernah mempraktikkan Islam sejak lahir, beragama Kristian sepenuhnya sejak tahun 1990, mempunyai sijil Baptis dari Gereja yg dikeluarkan pada 1998, dan pada tahun 2000 menyatakan hasrat untuk berkahwin dengan seorang India Kristian dan meminta untuk didaftarkan perkahwinan tersebut untuk mengesahkan perkahwinan beliau.

Telah beberapa kali dipanggil dan dinasihat untuk bertaubat & masuk Islam semula oleh MAIS, tetapi beliau mempertahankan dengan alasan pilihan keluar dari Islam adalah kehendak sendiri dan telah dimaklumkan pada kedua ibu bapanya.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

PAS our savior!!!!

Suddenly PAS leadership has gotten revelation from Kedai Kopi Kak Leha that taking sides is not an option, PAS needs to save the country. Question is, save it from what?? Why do they think for a second that the country needs saving, especially from these wannabes?? The leadership has stated that it's no longer about the bickering between 2 premiers, but about saving the nation. I just love how their wannabe, small time spin doctors try to formulate strategies like these.

What they need to do is address more serious issues like the apostasy of Lina Joy and leave the real politik to the big boys.

MARANG, 22 Julai (Hrkh) - Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang menegaskan bahawa PAS tidak mengambil kira kepentingan bekas dan Perdana Menteri sekarang untuk menyelamatkan negara.

Beliau menambah, PAS meletakkan kepentingan Islam untuk menyelamatkan negara ini yang mengatasi segala-galanya termasuk pertembungan antara Tun Mahathir Mohamad dengan Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

"PAS tidak kira siapa sama ada Mahathir atau Abdullah Badawi kerana yang penting, kita hendak menyelamatkan negara ini," ujar Presiden PAS itu ketika ditemui di rumahnya di Rusila, semalam.

Ini, katanya kerana negara telah dilanda dengan musibah politik, ekonomi, sosial dan lain-lain yang melahirkan pelbagai gejala kepada rakyat.

"Ini menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk menyelamatkan negara dan kita mengajak semua pihak jangan hanya menjaga kepentingan diri masing-masing. Kita hendaklah meletakkan kepentingan Islam untuk menyelamatkan negara, mengatasi segala-galanya," ujarnya lagi.

Semasa ditanya apakah yang dijangkakan jika pertelagahan antara Mahathir dan Abdullah berlarutan, beliau berkata perkara yang akan datang berada dalam ilmu Allah SWT.

Tambahnya, manusia tidak tahu perkara yang berlaku pada masa akan datang.

"Apa yang kita buat ialah kita merancang, merangka strategi perjalanan parti kita dan yang penting untuk menyelamatkan negara kita tanpa mengira siapa," ujarnya lagi.

Beliau juga menjelaskan berhubung kesediaan PAS memaafkan bekas Perdana Menteri itu, keputusan PAS menghantar wakil ke majlis syarahan dan dialog dengan Mahathir pada 24 Jun lalu, hubungan dengan parti KeAdilan berikutan keputusan itu, kesediaan wakil PAS hadir jika Mahathir melakukan road show ke negeri-negeri dan lain-lain lagi.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

PAS and it's confusion

This is another classic example of no action, talk only. PAS is pointing the finger at the Government for not taking a tougher action against the famous Lina Joy. What they fail to see is that this whole mess is about Lina Joy trying to get a new IC issued without the word 'ISLAM' on it. She has converted and is now a Christian. That's water under the bridge if you ask me. What we need to focus on is why these NGOs are providing a strong support for this one girl? We do not wish to set a precedence in this country, that's why the judiciary is trying to battle this with the Constitution as our weapon, that Islam and Melayu are one in Malaysia. Don't like it, TAKE A HIKE! Imagine if the Executive wing interferes, then, PAS would have another angle, which is there is no separation of power and will continue to bombard the Govt. It was announced in Perak that there were 100,000 Murtads in the country. He should just join PAS and become another talker. He's a Mufti and he's trying to blame the Govt because he can't do his work.

Small time talkers.

Excerpt from Harakah:

Antara perbincangan yang menarik perhatian hadirin ialah isu Lina Joy, di mana pemimpin negara dikatakan tidak berbuat apa-apa dengan kes berkenaan, serta usaha-usaha untuk menghalang pihak bukan Islam mencampuri urusan agama Islam.
Turut hadir dalam forum berkenaan ialah Setiausaha Agung PAS, Dato' Kamarudin Jaffar, AJK PAS Pusat, Mahfuz Omar, Timbalan Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat, Ustaz Idris Ahmad, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi KeADILan, Ustaz Badrul Amin Baharun, Pengerusi Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI), Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, dan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Excerpt from MMJ's sources:

13 Julai 2006

Peguam Kes Murtad Shazalina/Linda Choy (Ust Zulkefli Nordin), beliau telah memberi ceramah pada malam tadi di Surau As Sakinah, TTDI Jaya, Selangor tentang kumpulan kafir Artikel 11/ IFC.

Mereka ini (IFC) sedang bergiat untuk menghapuskan keistimewaan orang Islam di Malaysia, pihak Mahkamah Persekutuan hanya ada masa 6 minggu sahaja lagi untuk membuat keputusan sama ada meluluskan atau tidak.

Kalau LULUS maka orang Islam dalam bahaya besar. Boleh hubungi Ust Zulkefli sendiri (0133998718) untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, pihak peguam Muslimmemberi penerangan tentang perkara ini.

Apa bahayanya...?

1) Semua anak-anak selepas berumur 18 tahun bebas menukar agama, keluar masuk mana-mana agama macam masuk panggung wayang. Mereka punyai hak untuk menukar perkataan agama di kad pengenalan, cuma mengisi borang di kaunter saja. Kalau sekarang, mereka yang mahu menukar agama, ( menjadi murtad ) perlu memohon di jabatan Agama atau pihak berwajib. Diproses, kemudian dikaunselling untuk beberapa tempoh oleh tertentu oleh beberapa siri ustaz-ustaz yang berwibawa untuk menyelamatkan akidah orang-orang yang terkeliru ini.

Namun jika sekiranya kumpulan Artikel 11 atau IFC ini menang tiada lagi benteng rasmi terakhir kita. Cuma itu yang kita ada sekarang.

2) Lahirlah keluarga -keluarga yang mempunyai pelbagai anutan dalamnya. Seperti di Jogjakarta, hari ni semua Islam , esok ayah dan anak hindu, lusa emak kristian. Kubur boleh campur sebab dah tak ada pemisahan akidah yang sahih, itulah pengalaman kami di sana tempohari..

3) Banyak lagi hak-hak orang Islam yang tercabar dan akan di batalkan. Apabila Rasulullah s.a.w. membawa risalah Islam, dan telah jelas pemisahan antara kebenaran dengan kebatilan, maka kebenaran itu perlu
dipertahankan, perlu dibela dengan sebaik-baiknya. Bagi muslim, Islam adalah satu sistem yang datang untuk kesejahteraan semua manusia, malah seluruh alam ..tak kiralah samada untuk Muslim atau
bukan Muslim. Islam tidak membenarkan umatnya didakwah atau diajak oleh orang bukan Islam atau orang kafir adalah kerana tidak mahu kita jatuh semula dalam kebatilan dan kesalahan. Di sinilah ada undang-undang untuk menjaga kebenaran itu.

Islam sayang kepada mereka yang beriman, menjaga mereka , sebab kebenaran adalah sesuatu yang perlu dijaga. Bagi mereka yang sudah mendapat kebenaran dan cahaya yakni beriman, kemudian menolaknya, menggambil yang batil, mereka ini setelah dinasihati tapi terus mengkhianati kebenaran tersebut yakni Islam, maka wajarlah mereka dikategorikan sebagai pengkhianat. Dan pengkhianat kepada kebenaran ini wajarlah mendapat haknya... yakni perlu dihukum. Dalam mana-mana golongan pun, pengkhianat adalah lebih buruk
dari musuh.

Sebab, musuh Islam mungkin belum menggenal apa itu kebenaran, tetapi pengkhianat adalah mereka yang menganiaya diri dan membahayakan orang lain, mengancam orang ramai dan Islam itu sendiri.

Apa yang kita ada sekarang dalam realiti di negara kita alah sedikit ruang yang tertinggal untuk dipertahankan. Setiap muslim yang bercita-cita untuk murtad perlu menjalani proses tertentu untuk menyelamatkan akidah mereka yang mungkin terkeliru dan realitinya tidak sedikit yang dapat diselamatkan.
Janganlah kita berpeluk tubuh.. masa untuk menjadi penonton atau orang yang tertidur tiada lagi...! Ketahuilah apa yang sedang berlaku di Mahkamah Persekutuan hari ini adalah masalah kita dan masa depan aqidah anak-anak kita.

Sila sebarkan berita ini kepada semua orang Islam kerana isu ini amat serius... APAKAH PERANAN DAN TANGGUNGJAWAB KITA?? KITA HANYA ADA DUA PILIHAN.....



Saturday, July 22, 2006

Do not be part of the problem, be part of the solution!!

By Neez18

Cronyism, nepotism, corruption… the list goes on.

Any chance of these ending in politics? I seriously doubt it. As long as humans are humans, katak croaks and mamak stinks, these elements will be omnipresent. Think America or Britain is far better? Think again. The level of corruption in those countries are so sophisticated. They get away with it most of the times because they take care of the people. The middle income class in the US is strong. Unemployment in low. Social Security is stable.

Look at our neigbor. The Lee family in Singapore has its family members directly involved in government bodies, in fact having personal stakes in some. When was the last time you heard of a significant opposition leader or party in Singapore? They probably are campaigning to their cell mates in prison! Today we see Lim Kit Siang and his crew having all the freedom to raise any issues in parliament. That is the beauty of Malaysia and the current ruling party, having the freedom of speech (Obviously we do not wish to abuse that perk like what the Sarawak Tribune did, they should pay for publishing the caricature!!) Nevertheless, this freedom is somewhat abused by many. When you go to the mamak stalls, read rogue blogs and emails, harsh criticisms are aimed at the government. It is very easy for us to make passing statements, especially negative ones, but what good does it make if no combined effort to rectify the situation is taken by us.

Any sort of criticism should be welcomed, in particular, constructive criticism. To move forward, be it a nation or individuals, it is crucial to be familiar with your surroundings, to know your strength, weaknesses and capabilities. Criticism would assist in evaluating ones position, somewhat like a check and balance situation. However, one must be able to draw the line between being familiar and causing devastation. For example, when we were in school, if a teacher were to ask a question, no one would volunteer to answer. The root cause; not because they do not know the answer, but the mentality of others that would laugh at their piers if they got the answer wrong. This does not encourage a person, in fact hindering progression and growth. That is how I view most Malaysians mind set today. They have a hawks eye sight when it comes to criticism on the government, magnify negative issues through various sources of the media, but never contributing to constructively criticize and how to improve.

Proposal 1: There must be a clearer separation of power between the Executives and Parliament. Cabinet ministers should not be a member of the parliament at the same time. Ministers should be full time at the office attending to policies and perlaksanaan dasar. Don't need to go back to constituency every weekend to ensure survival of his next term. Yes it's not realistic and it's tough to change the current system. Maybe at least have the deputies to be senators, they need to spend more at work than officiating functions!

Other than the recent love story of Datuk K and Siti, on the front page of almost every newspaper, there are policies, action taken and issues the government is taking towards building a better nation. For this to be a reality, the public must play its part. Many individuals stand saying they alone cannot make a difference to the system. If our four fathers were to have said these same words, we would still be under the British occupation. If an individual were to feel so strongly for their principals, they should do something about it. For example, aim to become a Member of Parliament and make some changes, rather than criticizing the government at the warong over a cup of teh tarik. The current government has been ruling for 50 years, a fact which foreign countries recognize, especially when compared to our neighbouring countries. The stability UMNO has brought in Malaysia through BN is an achievement in itself. We stand proud to be citizens of Malaysia, regardless of race or religion.

In our ever so hectic lives today, we tend to follow the flow of things rather than stopping to think for ourselves. I urge us Malaysians to take a step out of the square we are in and have a look around. We live in harmony, we have all the basic necessities, and we are heading towards becoming a developed nation. Without a shadow of doubt, improving the countries status and sovereignty must also be carefully visited. This duty lies on the shoulders of all Malaysians. We may be ordinary people; nevertheless we strive to do extraordinary things. Do not be part of the problem, be part of the solution!!

PS: Let's go basic first, are you a registered voter?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Globalization in UMNO???

I never liked the idea of participating in a protest or demonstration. To me, it's too much of an 'old-economy' model. Malays need to be more dynamic and innovative than that, something Dato JJ has stressed so much lately especially concerning the K-economy.

Anyway, on Friday 21 July, after much persuasion from friends, I went to check out the demo organized by UMNO Youth. It's against the in
vasion of Israel into Lebanon. It started out with the Excos and 'Jentera' on the mikes getting the people at the mosque after Friday prayers to march to the American embassy, followed by UK and France. The perception of demonstration is lotsa people getting together shouting over something, burning stuff and creating one big mess for the municipal to clean up the next day.

It's actually my first time in a demonstration. My first impression when I got there:
  1. You feel that people are there to 'tunjuk muka', in other words, they want/need 'to be seen' by the UMNO Youth bosses
  2. Half of the people there are by-standers, waiting to see some action, maybe someone getting nabbed, FRU firing out their water hose (none of that happened)
  3. 5% of the people there definitely wanted to find an excuse to jet out from the office (including yours sincerely :p) and another 5% was checking out chicks on site
  4. People who demonstrate are desperate and do not have another angle to tackle the problem (if only we had a big fleet of long range B2 bombers and submarines with ICBM capabilities).
Of course, no demonstration would be complete without burning stuff. Somehow they managed to find Israeli flags and started burning them. I didnt quite agree with that because (a) the damn thing stinks and is smoky (b) kesian DBKL because they have to clean up the next day.

So, after making the 4 main observations, you would think that I'd be kutuking the people who went there to demonstrate. Not really. I came back with a sense of belonging. It felt pretty good supporting leaders voicing out the will of the people, most importantly the will of Muslims supporting Muslims 10,000 clicks away. Although we're not deploying troops to the Middle East, at least we're forcing the Americans and Brits to recognize our presence (yea they dont give two sticks about what's going on). Better than the neighbors of the Lebanese, either scared shitless about the prospect of the onslaught of the mighty US Armada at their doorstep or ensuring free trade will continue to flourish and enrich themselves only.

So fellow bloggers, my proposals to OIC are:

Creation of an OIC standing army
Creationg of an OIC currency - to negate the US dollars dominance
Creation of a new UN without the Security Council

Going back to having demonstrations, so, maybe it's old economy. Don't know whether there's a better way to protest (other than having UN meetings), but until we find that out, grab a banner and march on!

Here's what the Pemuda had to say:


We the youth of Malaysia,

Appalled by the extremely disproportionate and destructive measures taken by the terrorist state of Israel in response to the capture of three of its soldiers by the freedom fighters of Gaza and Lebanon, when the Israeli regime has itself captured, kidnapped and incarcerated thousands of Palestinian freedom fighters and civilians;

Moved by the deaths of hundreds of innocent men, women and children and the injuries to thousands of defenceless others caused by the terrorist forces of Israel;

Dismayed by the deliberate bombing and destruction of homes, offices, hospitals, infrastructure and communication and other facilities in Gaza and Lebanon by the terrorist forces of Israel;

Horrified by the blatant capture and imprisonment of democratically elected and legally appointed members of the Palestinian cabinet and other officials in violation of international law and norms; and

Alienated and embittered by the conspiracy between Israel and the United States to prolong the wanton death and destruction by rejecting appeals for a ceasefire by the international community,


Condemn in the most absolute and unequivocal terms the terrorist and inhumane actions of the armed Israeli forces that are seriously aggravating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and precipitating a humanitarian disaster in Lebanon;

Demand that the terrorist state of Israel cease all military attacks and provocations against the people of Gaza and Lebanon, lift its blockade and withdraw all its terrorist forces from Gaza and Lebanon;

Call upon the United Nations Security Council, in particular the Permanent Five members, to be worthy of the trust and responsibility placed upon them by the global community and pass a resolution imposing an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, to be enforced by an international force;

Further call upon the United Nations Security Council to pass a resolution allowing the international community to extend urgent humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza and Lebanon;

Urge the conflicting parties to enter into negotiations for the exchange of captured and imprisoned personnel;

Insist that Israel release, immediately and unconditionally, all elected Palestinian cabinet ministers and officials; and

Appeal to the international community to extend all assistance to the people of Gaza and Lebanon and the swelling refugee population to enable them to survive and recover from the humanitarian crisis.

We the youth of Malaysia, call upon all good people everywhere and all nations that respect and uphold international law, human dignity and justice, to join us in common cause and end this decimation of a people and annihilation of a country by the terrorist state of Israel.

UMNO Youth Secretariat
Kuala Lumpur
21 July 2006

Monday, July 17, 2006

Starbucks anyone? - Yikes!

Dear Starbucks Customer,

First and foremost I want to thank you for making Starbucks the $6.4 billion global company it is today, with more than 90,000 employees, 9,700 stores, and 33 million weekly customers. Every latte and macchiato you drink at Starbucks is a contribution to the close alliance between the United States and Israel, in fact it is - as I was assured when being honoured with the “Israel 50th Anniversary Friend of Zion Tribute Award” - key to Israel’s long-term PR success. Your daily chocolate chips frappucino helps paying for student projects in North America and Israel, presenting them with the badly needed Israeli perspective of the Intifada.
Starbucks, through the Jerusalem Fund of Aish HaTorah, an international network of Jewish education centres, sponsors Israeli military arms fairs in an effort to strengthen the special connection between the American, European and Israeli defense industries and to showcase the newest Israeli innovations in defense. As my contribution to the fight against the global rise of anti-Semitism, the reason behind the current conflict in the Middle-East, I help Aish HaTorah sponsoring the website "” and produce material informing of Israel’s side of the story.
Without you, my valued customer, I wouldn’t be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars each year to support Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks and keep reminding every Jew in America, to defend Israel at any cost. $5 billion per year from the US government are no way near enough to pay for all the weaponry, bulldozers and security fences needed to protect innocent Israeli citizens from anti-Semitic Muslim terrorism. Corporate sponsorships are essential.
Having the bigger picture in mind, Starbucks have donated a store to the US army to help in the “War on Terror”. I cannot emphasise enough, how vital the “War on Terror” is for the continued viability and prospering of the Jewish State.
So next time you feel like chilling out at a Starbucks store, please remember that with every cup you drink at Starbucks you are helping with a noble cause.
Howard Schultz
Chairman & Chief Global Strategist
Starbucks Coffee Stores

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Believe or not, we're one of the cheapest!

All of you out there complaining about the Government raising toll rates frequently, consider this: In a report done by a foreign research house, Malaysia is ranked 32nd on a list of 38 countries with the most expensive toll roads. OK sure, one can argue that Malaysians earn in RM and people in the US are earning the "real greens" and have a higher toll density. What do you guys think?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Big Boost for FELDA settlers

The Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) was formed in 1956 as a collective initiative to aid rural Malays. Each rural Malay is given a plot of land to be developed. FELDA has constributed significantly in developing idle land and housing more than 100,000 settlers. The estimated total of land under the FELDA scheme is 800k hectares! We can start a whole new country with that size! Not only settlers get a plot to be developed, all basic amneties are provided, houses are readily built for them, including place of worship and other facilities. The scheme has for many years closed in the gap between the have and have nots.

Today, because of the encouraging natural rubber market, it was reported that the settlers are getting as much as RM10,000 a month! The price has gone up four times since 2001 from RM2/kg to RM8.50/kg. 16% of our export comes from the settlers.

This is a truly amazing opportunity for the people in the scheme. The people must understand that the prices of commodities fluctuate, they must be prudent in spending the extra income and start investing money.

FELDA has always been underrated and attacked by people who lack faith in Government policy. Like I said earlier in previous posting, it's always easier to criticize and to add value (ok maybe I didnt say that earlier).

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What's up with this Halal hub hype?

In Malaysian Business magazine back in February 06, it published the 40 richest men in Malaysia. Sad but true, the Malays, although the majority in Malaysia, is only but a handful in that list. We don't have to talk about the top 400 or the top 40,000 for that matter. The result is most probably the same. It quoted in a few editions back that the Bumiputera in this country holds a mere 18% of the economic pie of the country. 18%! That's pathetic. The noble idea of the NEP was launched way back during the tenure of Tun Razak with a target of reaching 30% Bumi equity. Well, that's old news. We havent made much progress.

What the Malays lack is vision. Take the word 'halal' for example. The initial impression you would get is food. Muslims can only consume slaughtered meat according to Islamic laws, but we fail to see the business opportunities surrounding it. The Halal food business has been dominated by Non-Muslims not just domestically but internationally because of their control of the produce. Take some country south of us for example. It is by far the largest producer of cattles and Halal meat product in the world and it's not even a Muslim country. The population of livestocks there is far greater than the population of the country itself!

Let's talk about this viable key initiative promoted by the Government recently: Halal Hub

With proper execution, we can achieve more than 30% equity. The Halal business industry constitutes 112 countries, catering for 1.8 billion Muslim population, amounting to close to USD 300b. The best thing is, Muslims are not the only one consuming Halal products.

The potential in this market is tremendous. We must use our leverage with the chairmanship of OIC to steer this. We have started through the newly created World Halal Forum. Muslims first of all must understand and study the supply chain and the production level of the business. Whether its supplying canned food to the Middle East, or halal cosmetics to the Americas, we must be able to penetrate the whole supply chain.

With the introduction of MS1500:2004 certification, Malaysia is trying to promote a standard which can be replicated by other countries as a coherent yard stick for Halal certification. The World Halal Forum will include forums and debates as to what Halal is all about.

We must also look at countries like New Zealand and Australia and try to replicate their efforts. In 2002, Australia alone exports over 100,000 tonnes of Halal beef, veal, mutton and lamb products (Halal Journal, March 2005). This amounted to A$330m and quantities are increading steadily. For New Zealand, there are approximately 49million sheeps being farmed in the country, 9.6 million cattle and 1.6 million deer. New Zealand began its venture in exporting Halal meats since 1960s. I think we are good at studying other people's models. It will boil down to exectution at the end of the day. We must succeed!

Now, the Halal hub concept doesnt just encompass the produce. Let's look at the potential in the services sector. Fast food chain businesses are growing like mushrooms everywhere. Imagine all the McDonald's in the US having a Halal logo and certified Halal operation worldwide. Ray Kroc would definitely flip at the idea! The revenue generated will be doubled, maybe tripled. Look at airlines servicing countries around the globe. No more salmon and mackerel every time you fly with other airlines than MAS or Emirates. Oil & gas Muslim people going to Houston all the time taking Continental or Southwest would be thrilled to have halal steak or roast chicken instead of the usual shrimp cocktail!

It doesnt stop there. Look at supermarkets and hypermarkets around the world. Imagine 20% of Halal canned food is sold at Walmart or Sam's Club. No confidence in rendang being sold at Mark & Spencer's in London? Think again, who would have thought Thai chilli sauce would be a big hit in the US and UK. Foreign foods will be toned down to local taste: curry is the number one take away food, so is kebab in Germany.

To be the central trading hub for Halal products, Malaysia must strategically market itself. It must promote the infrastructure and logistics support available in this country, from world class sea ports and airports, to railroads and world class Cargo support courtesy of Malaysia Airlines (ok let's talk about its debt in a different article, or blog someone else's site).

Pak Lah and the Cabinet have made the right choice in promoting Malaysia to be the next Halal hub. With the financial support being offered by numerous institutions, its time to stop bitching about the slow economy and when the RMK9 budget will be released and execute a good business model!

Signing off,


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Will we ever do away with subsidy?

As a young professional observing the current political climate, I am saddened. Not because of who is right, who is wrong, what should or should not be done, to build or not to build. Call it weak leadership, call it whatever fancies you. I call it lack of faith for the administration that has won the hearts and minds of the people, the administration that has won a strong mandate from the people during the last election.

2 years of development cannot be compared to 22 years of progress. Nation building is not something you can pick up overnight. People were embracing the change of the guards, now we hear otherwise. Why? Oil price? Who controls that? Does MOF have a control of the global oil price? Does the Government have a say in the war in Iraq and the anticipated invasion of Iran that could further spiral up the price? Oh I forgot, we have to cater for the majority of the Malays and the people who do not want to accept this reality bite and continue to pound the Government for more subsidies. Sure, let’s just squeeze money from our Fortune 500 company for our daily consumption of petrol at the expense of expanding its operations worldwide to compete with the likes of Exxonmobil and Chevron Texaco.

Life in the ol’ 1971 was honky dory with petrol at US$3.21/barrel. Now it is a whopping US$73.53/barrel for Brent Crude Oil as of 4th July 2006. How has this happened? The recent increase of petrol price was mainly due to:

  • Demand of 82.5million barrels per day in 2004 is almost equal to the supply of 83 million barrels per day today.
  • High growth causing high energy consumption in China, India and the US
  • Instability in Iraq, Nigeria and Venezuela, which are significant contributors of OPEC
  • Hurricane aftermath in Texas and Mexico

Although we are not a member of the OPEC, we export almost everything that we extract because they are high grade stuff and import for local consumption. In addition, Malaysia will be a net importer by 2010. However, our price at the pump is still competitive compared to other SEA countries:






































One can agree about purchasing power and income per capita of these countries. Let's not get to that yet since I went to Engineering school.

This is what we would be expected to pay at the pump without subsidy:

As of 31 July 2005

Cents per liter

Cents per liter

Cents per liter

Peninsular Msia



Petrol (RON97)

Product cost




Operating cost








Petrol station commission




Sales Tax








Don't forget also that the Government pays half of our cooking cost at home by topping half of the cost of a tank of LPG.

We shouldn't be taxing Petronas for making ridiculous profit, we should tax the oil majors more for doing business in Malaysia. Which company again gave it's retiring chairman a US$357M retirement package. Sounds like a developing country's GDP.

Let's give Pak Lah a break. He has a damn big pair of shoes to fill in. Let's give our Ministers a break. I mean really, should they spend more time compiling answers or should they start cranking up RM9 which is long overdue?

Signing off

Sunday, July 02, 2006

We are now Live!